LHJS PTSA Executive Board, Student Representatives & Committee Chairs
The La Jolla High PTSA is comprised of an elected Executive Board, nominated Student Representatives and Committee Chairs. If you're interested in being a member of the board or chairing a committee please contact Marcia Branstetter at ljhighpta@gmail.com.
President - Marcia Branstetter
Executive VP - Hedieh Yamini
Treasurer - Tammy Piehl
Parliamentarian - Zhene Lejuwann
Membership - Alicia Calhoon
Hospitality - Rina Kim and Courtney Irwin
Advisor - Aimee Lansky
Programs - Katherine Williams and Neha Bahadur
Historian - Tami Spence
Auditor - Jill Ostrom
Ways & Means - Angela Landen
Corresponding - Alejandra Postlethwaite
Recording - Michelle Grandin
Eblast Manager - Kat Peppers
Teacher Representative - Kerry Dill
Leadership Chairperson - Lev Grezemkovsky
Membership - Connor Vaughn
Communications Chairperson – Luke Lansky
Communications Assistant - Selena Chang
Health & Wellness Chairperson - Tess Van Skike
Health & Wellness Assistant – Alicia Lopez Vargas
Extended Community - Sienna Lin
Extended Community Assistant-Sonia Wu
Environmental Awareness Chairperson - Olivia Dill
Student Affairs Chairperson - Mia Arminio
Student Affairs Assistant – Andrew Lee
E-Blast Manager - Kat Peppers
Social Media - Mokyou Park
Grad Nite - Irene McCann
Emergency Kits- Melissa Morrison Reyes
Locker Chair - Carol Henry and Aimie Takata